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Suomen Naiskuoroliitto ry (SNKL)
Naiskuoromusiikin puolesta vuodesta 1945.
Palvelemme suomalaisia naiskuoroja ja naiskuoromusiikkia harrastuksena ja taiteena.
Haluamme olla vaikuttava ja merkityksellinen toimija, johon kuuluu suuri osa suomalaisista naiskuoroista ja joka on koko suomalaisen naiskuorokentän ääni.
Welcome to the Website of
Suomen Naiskuoroliitto - SNKL!
The unofficial English name for SNKL is the Association of Finnish Female Choirs. Chartered in 1945, SNKL's mission is to champion women's choral music and choral activities throughout Finland. The official language of the association is Finnish, and the registered seat Helsinki, Finland. Upon founding, SNKL joined SULASOL, the Finnish Amateur Musicians' Association, as an independent member association.
Various organisational entities as well as private individuals may apply for membership in SNKL. Typical organisational members include registered women's choirs, vocal ensembles, groups, and collectives. Private individuals can apply for membership as sponsors.
SNKL's day-to-day administrative and organisational operations are managed and run by the Administrative Board, the key functionaries being the Chair, Deputy Chair, and Secretary. Board members are elected at the association's annual general meeting. For practical purposes, SNKL's offices are located geographically close to the most essential, hands-on key officials - the Chair and Secretary.
All specifically music related matters fall into the purview of the Artistic Director and Music Board of SNKL, and are thus managed partly independently, partly in parallel with the administrative side of the association.
SNKL promotes, develops and sponsors women's choir singing activities for example by organising various types of training, workshops, competitions, and other events for its members. For example, SNKL has designed and maintains a series of choral repertoire levels that choristers can study to hone their individual as well as group singing skills. To demonstrate mastery of repertoires and skills, singers pass exams by performing as quartets in front of a review panel.
Every year, SNKL joins forces with one of the member choirs and organises a major event called Naiskuoropäivät, or The Women's Choir Days. Taking place in the home town of the choir hostessing it that year, the event usually spans an extended weekend and draws attendance from all over Finland.
We promote, develop and sponsor women's choir music for example by commissioning, publishing and selling music written or arranged for female voices. Our publications catalogue contains women's choir music representing a wide spectrum of ages and styles, older and brand new, traditional as well as modern and contemporary, secular and sacred, seasonal and so on - in more than half a dozen languages.
SNKL music publications and other products are available at the online store, on this website. At the moment, however, the online store only operates in Finland.
Contact details of office, toimisto@naiskuoroliitto.fi
Anne Härkönen, chair of Association of Finnish Female Choirs, +358 50 306 4393, anne.harkonen@naiskuorolitto.fi